here it is folks; the promised internet diary!

--note that most recent entries will be at the top--


hello again world. it seems i underestimated how difficult it is to learn how to code with html, but i will continue! i have actually had a lot of fun playing with the tags (despite the back pain) and i hope i am actually satisfied with the eventual fruit that my labors will yield. this is mostly just me saying i'm proud of myself for working so hard on this because all i've been doing lately is being a couch potato and playing games, so being productive with something like coding has felt really good!



hello world. today i spent 7 hours lazy-coding this website in hopes that people will find it and have some interest in it. full disclosure: i am a cynical bitch who is going to say quite a few depressing things in these entries, but i will mostly try to keep it positive. i hope anyone who sees this enjoyed however much of the website they saw. tata!
